Our Vision
Pacific Surf Company creates the opportunity for all to experience the life changing impact of the ocean.
As a company, we are proud to provide high quality lessons, exceptional rentals, create socially conscious apparel, and offer life changing experiences. We believe our customers deserve the best ocean experience possible, and understand that their time with us is much more than just a lesson or rental. We understand that its much more about a personalized ocean experience, not just the act of surfing.
Our Pillars
The decisions we make and culture we create is guided by the following pillars.

We are proud community members that understand we are all connected. Working with and for our community is of utmost importance.
We understand that our actions have significant impact on our social and natural environment. We make decisions to ensure we are leaders within our community regarding important environmental issues.

Everyone deserves an opportunity to experience the ocean. We make sure that’s possible.
We create the space for everyone to be a leader, in the many forms that comes in.